
Our Cybersecurity Shared Service is a comprehensive system of security and enterprise risk management that serves as a fortress of protection for your organization.

The EverSecure™ Cyber Security Program ensures organizations have the necessary awareness and are prepared to manage cyber incidents effectively and efficiently. This annual comprehensive program prepares you to respond to security incidents and prevent, detect, contain damage and mitigate risk to the organization. The goal is to ensure you are equipped and ready to respond to security threat incidents effectively and efficiently. The program combines best practices and leading information security frameworks to develop a tailored enterprise information security program.

With EverSecure™, we protect and educate your organization. Data breaches, email fraud and other cyber risks are the greatest sources of enterprise risk for social purpose organizations like nonprofits, co-ops, charities, and childcare centres.

EverSecure™ is a comprehensive program that ensures your organization is prepared to respond to security incidents. We work with you to establish a cybersecurity culture focused on preventing and mitigating risk.

EverSecure™ Offers Comprehensive Protection:

Our information and data asset inventory ensures you know who can access your most crucial information and its location.

Your organization's risks are identified by a vulnerability assessment.

A threat-risk-mitigation matrix determines the likelihood of a cyberattack.

Security monitoring ensures that your organization is safe, secure and protected.

Your team is prepared to handle any breach effectively with the incident response strategy and tabletop exercises.

A controls audit detects your weaknesses and offers a suggested course of action for cyber protection with precise and clear strategies to thwart today's most prevalent and dangerous attacks. A robust cybersecurity culture is developed through awareness training and phishing testing for your entire staff and stakeholders.

Key stakeholders may see from your EverSecure™ risk profile and governance dashboard that you know and manage any possible concerns. A complete collection of information protection and cyber risk policies can be found in your Policy Bookshelf.