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Co-op 101

ACCESS is a Nonprofit Co-operative.

ACCESS is a shared service nonprofit co-operative. And yes, that is quite the string of words, and it might contain a few that require unwrapping. When we first started we had a lot to learn about the co-operative business model. It's compelling and worth discussing, so please keep reading. And, if you'd like to learn more about shared services, please use this link.

What is a co-operative?

The co-operative business model combines the best of small business ownership and a corporation. It often includes local wealth creation and reflects community interests, like a small business. But it also provides governance and the potential for longevity and limited liability, like a corporation. Around the world, there are about 3 million co-operatives; approximately 12 % of the human population are members of a co-op. And, about 10% of the world’s employed population work at co-ops. Co-operatives can be found across all industries and sectors. And they can be large or small. The business owners - referred to as members - may be customers, employees, users, or residents.

How do co-operatives work?

As businesses driven by values - not just profit, co-operatives share common, internationally agreed-upon principles and act together to build a better community and world through cooperation. Aside from the ownership structure, a few other distinct features set co-operatives apart from different types of businesses.

Connect with the team who live & breathe co-op.

To learn more about the co-operative business model, please connect with BC Co-op Association (BCCA) and the Alberta Community & Co-operative Association (ACCA). These provincial associations provide resources for developing co-operatives, support established co-ops, and help guide existing businesses to become co-ops.

To learn more about the compelling co-op sector, please visit or

  • Co-ops 101

  • Co-op dev

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