Issue 1: Why Your Organization Should Switch to Cloud Storage

In the modern world, technology is constantly evolving, and organizations must keep up with the times. One of the most effective ways to do this is by switching to cloud storage. Cloud storage is a reliable and efficient way to store data, providing various benefits to organizations.

At ACCESS Shared Services, we recognize the importance of your social purpose organization’s data. This blog post will explore three reasons your organization should switch to cloud storage. We will discuss the improved security, scalability, and cost savings that can be achieved by switching to cloud storage.


The primary benefit of cloud storage is the accessibility it provides. Most cloud data storage services give users an easy-to-use interface with drag-and-drop capabilities. For example, Google Drive and iDrive from Apple have simple interfaces that allow users to upload files to their online drive without special technical knowledge. Furthermore, users can access their files from anywhere at any time, as long as they have an internet connection. This means that if a file is saved in a drive on a mobile device, it can be retrieved on a computer or any other device with internet access, regardless of location. Cloud storage makes it easier than ever to access important documents and data no matter where you are.


Cloud storage outsourcing is an excellent option for organizations seeking a cost-effective way to store their data. Outsourcing data storage to the cloud can significantly reduce costs as they no longer need to employ internal resources to manage and store their data. Say goodbye to the eyesore of a server in a random closet!

Additionally, some cloud storage options offer lifetime storage at an affordable price, making them an excellent choice for social purpose organizations and individual users alike. Cloud storage is an efficient, secure, and cost-effective way to store your data.


When it comes to cloud storage, security is one of the top concerns for organizations. Cloud storage solutions have become increasingly secure over time, with many offering robust encryption protocols and other safety measures to protect the data stored in the cloud. Most cloud storage providers use redundant servers across multiple data centers to store your data, making it virtually impossible for data to be lost in the event of a server failure. Additionally, many cloud storage services offer additional backups of your data to other data centers, so even if one server goes down, your data is still safe and secure. All this ensures that your data is protected from unauthorized access and can be recovered quickly in an emergency.

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